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Ginger Breedlove Selected to New APC Board of TDC


Dr. Ginger Breedlove, CEO, Founder & Principal Consultant of Grow Midwives LLC, has been selected to join a new Advisory Board of The Doctor’s Company (TDC). The new Advisory Board, formed of Advanced Practice Clinicians (APCs) from throughout the United States, will meet with TDC executives to share insight on issues affecting Nurse Practitioners, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists, Certified Nurse-Midwives, Certified Midwives, and Physician Assistants.

Ginger’s role in representing Certified Nurse-Midwives and Certified Midwives on the Advisory Board will have lasting positive effects on the world of midwifery.

“I’m honored to be selected to inform and advocate ways to reduce barriers for practitioners that wish to start independent practice. We have an increasing women’s healthcare provider workforce shortage in the US and need all providers able to practice at the highest level of their education and training. Decades of evidence demonstrate that CNM and CMs are  part of the solution to improve outcomes and reduce cost of care.” -Ginger Breedlove

Congratulations to Ginger on this achievement! To learn more about TDC Group and the new APC Advisory Board, read their article here. 

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