Nobody Told Me About That


Did you, a friend or family member experience a fully supported, well informed, calm postpartum experience? Isn’t that what most new parent’s hope for and expect? An easy transition most health care providers must believe, as families are sent home 48 hours after an uncomplicated birth without any professional contact in the first three weeks? Whether the birth and postpartum experience you are thinking about was 30 years or 3 weeks ago, little has changed in supporting families. In fact, research demonstrates that the health and well-being of postpartum moms today is worse than twenty years ago. Nearly all first-time parents experience anxiety, exhaustion and uncertainty. When asked, few can identify ready resources or in-depth information advising the best ways to adapt and cope. Families are typically abandoned by the current maternity care model, struggling with 24/7 with responsibility in caring for their baby and self. They are given little guidance on norms and risks while coming face to face with uncertainties and exhaustion. It’s a set-up that is all too common – that if you aren’t happy, looking great, and totally in love with your baby, you’re not a good parent. Our system poorly prepares and supports expecting families about crucial information that impacts nearly all who begin the parenting journey in the first six weeks.

Nobody Told Me About That Book Cover

Nobody Told Me About That

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This book covers many critical issues confronting the early weeks of parenting. Nobody really tells you about the realities of becoming a new parent. Authors personal stories are fiercely honest. Woven into discussions is the importance of how to support new families with unexpected events while providing professional recommendations and guidance on many common issues. The aim of our book is to provide a collective wisdom from expert authors. To unpack myths and provide facts associated with the phenomena, Nobody Told Me About That. We hope to facilitate strategies whereby families find their voice, speak out, seek help and welcome assistance on the inescapable journey from novice to confident parent.

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