Fair Market Value in Midwifery Employment Arrangements

Fair Market Value | March 11, 2021 

An informative conversation with #GrowMidwives team Joe and Ginger as they discuss fair market value concepts and current scenarios. After a comprehensive legal overview, highlights include what (if any) implications around FMV are related to Stark Law, Safe Harbor, and wRVUs as rationale for capping midwifery compensation.

Along with recent findings that demonstrate widely diverse benchmark ranges and insufficient data around the wRVU for midwives, and shifting the original definition for work related value for PHYSICIANs to a variety of Advanced Practice Providers, now we are seeing an increase in employment agreements under the guise of regulatory stipulations and Fair Market Value concepts that attempt to cap Midwife salaries.

We are going after this subject matter just as we did in discussing wRVUs. With legal analysis and evidence of when, if, and how FMV constraints apply to Midwives.

If you have a contract and don’t know what it says, you might look. Consider this webinar if you see the phrase… Fair Market Value. Five examples of redacted midwife contracts are shared and discussed, in addition to how to counter this frustrating conversation in employment situations.

A white paper with complete legal analysis to use for challenging this discussion with employers can be purchased in the Grow Midwives store for a small fee.

Download the PowerPoint here.

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