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Understanding CEs/ CEUs/CMEs

Understanding CEs/ CEUs/CMEs

Understanding CEs/ CEUs/CMEs Grow Midwives is hosting our Sustaining Care of Families in Low-Resource Regions CME Conference on Jun 9, 2023 at the University of Alaska – Anchorage. This conference has 6 educational sessions presented by incredible movers and shakers in the birth industry.  It was important to us to be able to offer continuing… Continue reading Understanding CEs/ CEUs/CMEs

Pros and Cons to RVU’s

Pros and Cons to RVU's

Pros and Cons to RVU’s We had an incredible turnout for our updated webinar on RVUs a few weeks ago. We knew this was going to be a hot topic, but seeing the interest further confirmed that. In case you missed that webinar, you can check it out here, but for those of you who… Continue reading Pros and Cons to RVU’s

Webinar: RVU Primer for Midwives: The 2023 Update

RVUs: The 2023 Update

This update will include an overview of the new 2023 CMS guidelines for wRVU calculation. Many midwives are employed with contract that includes a bonus structure beyond base salary, Some contracts require midwives to ‘pay back’ a portion of their salary if they do not meet RVU benchmark metrics assigned to them. Do RVUs bring… Continue reading Webinar: RVU Primer for Midwives: The 2023 Update

Water Birth Research That Made a Difference

Water Birth Research That Made a Difference

I (Ginger) am so proud and pleased when I experience work among diverse stakeholders to bring forward meaningful change for evidence-based midwifery care. Many may remember my polling of US water birth settings, with a focus on hospitals and birth centers. The reason was to help gather a body of evidence of the prevalence of… Continue reading Water Birth Research That Made a Difference

RVU Primer for Midwives: The 2023 Update

RVU Primer for Midwives: The 2023 Update

RVU Primer for Midwives: The 2023 Update Grow Midwives hosts webinars multiple times throughout the year on key topics to help birth centers and midwives learn the most relevant and up to date information to help grow and sustain Midwifery practices in the United States.  Using our combined decades of national leadership roles and breadth… Continue reading RVU Primer for Midwives: The 2023 Update

Addressing Accreditation of Birth Centers in Iowa: An Open Letter from Grow Midwives

Addressing Accreditation of Birth Centers in Iowa: An Open Letter from Grow Midwives

Certificates of need (CON) laws are state regulatory mechanisms used for approving major capital expenditures and projects for certain health care facilities. Currently 35 states and Washington D.C. utilize CON laws. If your state has a CON program, a health planning agency or other entity must approve the creation of new healthcare facilities or the… Continue reading Addressing Accreditation of Birth Centers in Iowa: An Open Letter from Grow Midwives

Grow Midwives Retreat

Grow Midwives Retreat

Grow Midwives hosted our retreat in Kansas City, bringing our core team together for work AND play on a beautiful Spring weekend this March. Following a fun team night out at Top Golf, we spent the weekend focusing on how to improve our current services, marketing, outreach, advocacy, and communication methods with our industry and… Continue reading Grow Midwives Retreat

Presenting in Tucson

Presenting in Tucson

Presenting in Tucson The Winter Summit educational conference was held by The Arizona Affiliate of the American College of Nurse-Midwives on Saturday, February 29, 2023 at Banner University Medical Center in Phoenix, Arizona.  The main theme for the conference was “Challenges in Pregnancy and Women’s Health”. Topics included:  – management of thyroid disease in pregnancy… Continue reading Presenting in Tucson

Negotiating Insurance Contracts

Negotiating Insurance Contracts

Negotiating Insurance Contracts Grow Midwives hosts webinars multiple times throughout the year on key topics to help birth centers and midwives learn the most relevant and up to date information to help grow and sustain Midwifery practices in the United States.  Using our combined decades of national leadership roles and breadth of professional expertise, we… Continue reading Negotiating Insurance Contracts

Dr. Breedlove Goes to Washington

Dr. Breedlove Goes to Washington

A celebration was held at the White House on February 2nd, 2023 to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the Family and Medical Leave Act, and Grow Midwives’ very own Ginger Breedlove was in attendance, shaking hands and rubbing elbows with legislators, changemakers, and US Presidents.  The event was a chance both to look back on… Continue reading Dr. Breedlove Goes to Washington
